10. Harvey Ball World Smile Foundation established
In memory of Harvey Ball, the creator of SMILEY FACE, who died on 12 April 2001, the Harvey Ball World Smile Foundation was established in Worcester City, Massachusetts, USA. The Chairman is Charles Ball, a lawyer, and the son of Harvey Ball. One of their activities is the World Smile Day, which is something that Harvey Ball worked on whilst alive. The fifth one was held on 3 October 2003, and it is increasing in size annually. The purpose is to spread the idea of seeing SMILEY FACE as a symbol of world peace. The movement is intended to expand things from Massachusetts to the whole of America and the whole of the world.
SMILEY FACE, the yellow face with the small eyes, is also known as the first smile since the Mona Lisa's, and was designed and created at the end of 1963, by an American, Harvey Ball. In his hometown of Worcester, Massachusetts, is creation and copyright is publicly acknowledged, and a museum has been built. It was chosen by the United States Postal Service to be a commemorative stamp representing America in the seventies, and is shown in the official video as representing the seventies. Unfortunately, as Harvey Ball died on 12 April 2001, the Harvey Ball World Smile Foundation
has been established, and with his son in charge, they are undertaking World Smile activities in order to preserve his achievement. Part of the proceeds from SMILEY FACE merchandising in Japan constitute the funds for the activities of the Harvey Ball World Smile Foundation.


Copyright (C) Harvey Ball World Smile Foundation. All Rights Reserved.